Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Today (March 27th) was a very big day for Edward. He rode a 2-wheel bike for the first time. Daddy was not home and Mommy took the training wheels off and he did just awesome. Mommy told him that if he can ride a scooter then he can ride a bike. As he was going up the hill, Mommy commented that he was doing it on his own and he believed and did it!! The problem is Mommy didn't realize the back wheel had to be adjusted. The chain kept falling off and after the 3rd or 4th time, Mommy was done and said that Daddy would fix the bike when he got home;)
Girls and hula hoops are just so much fun!!
Here is evidence that Edward and JiaLi do have gentle sides. They each had their chairs outside hanging out with JiaLi's baby. Edward thought the bike would make a good spot for the baby. JiaLi was getting tired and rested her head. Well that just did not look comfortable to Edward so Edward offered his lap. Then they noticed that the "baby" was not too comfy and helped the "baby". When I asked each one who they were, I was expecting to hear a "Mommy" and "Daddy" answer but instead I was told by Edward that he is the "brother" and JiaLi said that she is the "sister." Just love watching them play!!

1 comment:

LaLa said...

AWWWW...too sweet!! Of course they are the brother and sister...they are practicing for the next baby!