Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hula Hoops--Not Just For Girls!!

Yes, I stand corrected. I should have said "hula hoops" are fun in yesterday's post. Who doesn't love a hula hoop?? I love that Danny is willing to do this--he had no choice the way JiaLi handed the hula hoop to him. He was trying to shoot baskets and JiaLi brought out both hula hoops saying "here Danny, here" passing the hula hoop to his hand.
Below you will see Edward playing golf with a stick. We do have a kids sized golf club but at the time it was on a high shelf and Edward really wanted to play golf so he found a stick and started hitting. He then looked at me and asked "is this a sport?" I said "it sure is and it's a great sport."
Press on the plus key to make the slide move faster--it will help to make it look like he is swinging.


Today (March 27th) was a very big day for Edward. He rode a 2-wheel bike for the first time. Daddy was not home and Mommy took the training wheels off and he did just awesome. Mommy told him that if he can ride a scooter then he can ride a bike. As he was going up the hill, Mommy commented that he was doing it on his own and he believed and did it!! The problem is Mommy didn't realize the back wheel had to be adjusted. The chain kept falling off and after the 3rd or 4th time, Mommy was done and said that Daddy would fix the bike when he got home;)
Girls and hula hoops are just so much fun!!
Here is evidence that Edward and JiaLi do have gentle sides. They each had their chairs outside hanging out with JiaLi's baby. Edward thought the bike would make a good spot for the baby. JiaLi was getting tired and rested her head. Well that just did not look comfortable to Edward so Edward offered his lap. Then they noticed that the "baby" was not too comfy and helped the "baby". When I asked each one who they were, I was expecting to hear a "Mommy" and "Daddy" answer but instead I was told by Edward that he is the "brother" and JiaLi said that she is the "sister." Just love watching them play!!

Monday, March 26, 2007

While Blogging...

While posting my previous blog, Edward and JiaLi did their foot wrestling game. Then I found the two of them cuddling on the couch.

We had a Date!!

This weekend, Joe and I had a date. The Jimmy Fund Walk is a walk I participate in every September and in 2006, I achieved a level that gave me an invitation to a brunch at Gillette Stadium (for $10 with a tour too). Sunday, we dropped the kids off at my parents and then went to the Stadium. I have to say it was relaxing. I could actually feel myself taking some deep breaths. (No pictures of us though--it's no fun to take pictures of us alone and we didn't have a child to take our picture together.) I am so excited to sign-up for the Jimmy Fund again this year and this year my husband is going to join:) The speakers were very motivating yesterday and it was great to hear how some of the money raised is spent--basically on research not being done elsewhere-it was great to hear. I started the walk 7-8 years ago in memory of my Aunt Fran and as Joe and I were driving to get the kids, we were going through all the people we know who have had or have died from cancer and it's just crazy how many there are. It's just one of those diseases that you just never know. Danny and Jenise may even get to participate this year too depending on how we can arrange babysitters and drivers(they might do the 13 mile walk as opposed to the 26 mile)etc. Not till September....more to come. I have been trying to sign-up for the walk--sign-ups began yeaterday but can't get through. As soon as I do, I will post our site:) Saturday we spent the afternoon at an event we have been going to for four years now. Joseph's school(previously Danny's and then Jenise's) they held a Bazaar with a whole bunch of raffle items from each class and donated items, and they also had a Cake Auction. Families participate by making different cakes. Danny's birthday is today so we were joking about getting a cake for him--with giving up sweets-he won't be having cake or ice cream on his birthday. One of the cakes(the one Danny is holding) was made of just candy--just what I want in the house--but we figured the money is for a good cause and we outbid and got the cake. We were so excited to find out Jenise's first grade teacher who is also our neighbor made it:) Our niece is in first grade at the same school Joseph attends and they made a cake(Joe's brother). We also decided to bid on it. It was a domino cake and it was just so cute. We decided to freeze the cake and celebrate with them one night after Easter:)

Friday, March 23, 2007


Each Friday morning we get together with 4 friends and their kids for a playgroup. Each of the Moms rotates holding the playgroup. Today the group was at Auntie Lisa's house. The kids decorated cookies, colored mugs and then with the warmer weather we went out on her deck and watched for birds(see Edward) and blew bubbles. When we got home, Joseph needed a quick bite to eat before school and Auntie Lisa made a wonderful coffee cake which the kids ate in our driveway:) When we got home, Jenise sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to us all.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Late Post for St. Patrick's Day

Our St. Patrick's Day was full of snow. Joe and I had to clear out a slush/snow filled driveway so we got a late start to the day, but we cannot have a St. Patrick's Day without Spirit!! Joe made green scrambled eggs and green egg sandwiches for the kids and they ate every bite!!
I really couldn't get a good group shot of the kids but we were so happy Jenise was not lying on the couch, we had to take a picture:)
Jenise and JiaLi looking at one of Jenise's books--They are becoming quite a pair. Last night they had the same color popsicle at dinner and JiaLi right away noticed and said "we're a team"!!
When I was done trying to take a group shot, Edward had some things to say in song!!
He really has a great deep voice for singing ;) He just cracks us up--no other way to say it:)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Deer in Our Backyard

When we went to put the kids to bed tonight, I noticed two deer in our backyard as I was pulling down the shades in Joseph's and Edward's room. We all gathered at the window to watch and they each ended up walking closer to our house. Joe ran down to take pictures. Unfortunately the battery was really low and the flash was not quite working. When I downloaded the pictures, they were totally black but I was able to adjust them to at least tell that we did have deer. The picture at the top is one that I cropped. What a great thing to see! We hope the deer are o.k. We have a small woods area(tiny) in back but to access real woods, these deer will need to cross streets.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


We had so much fun when Danny got home from school Friday with all the snow we had. We have a hill for a driveway and the kids had a blast sledding. The hot chocolate afterward was even better. JiaLi enjoyed her first few rides but then had had enough. The boys stayed out longer. Jenise was still sick(she is better today-Phew) but did enjoy some ice cream. Danny is drinking Tea because he gave up sweets for Lent.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I look at this face and see how happy she is constantly singing, jumping, laughing and calling everything "punny" (that is funny). She justs melts our hearts. We all just love her so much! We keep talking about another adoption. Last night I had some more words written in this post with questions that we are going through and when I read what I wrote, I thought noone really needs/wants to read about this so I am changing the words. We are just at the stage of strong questioning and figuring things out financially and health-wise and how our family would be. I want to so badly but so many considerations. But it is amazing the strength of the want but we will see. I read all these stories about the children in the orphanages and want to do something. Beginning the process of how to raise money for this endeavor. I've been doing a lot of research...We'll see-this is NOT saying we are going to but it is in our minds. I don't usually like to post personal things but they say when you write things down, it can help. Now my mind is spinning with what to do...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hanging out on a 1/2 Day

The kids had a half-day of school today and with the temperature being 68 degrees, we had to get outside. Of course, the kids spent there time next door at the neighbors. The kids have a blast playing together! We are so thankful we have such great neighbors:) The pictures of Edward and JiaLi running are in our yard and the other pictures are next door. The rock picture is taken right on the line. Of course, a lot of what Edward did, JiaLi had to do. Danny was being bombarded by the younger kids as they threw balls at him while he was on the ladder, but he was a goodsport and put up with it while the kids all cracked up. The yards are just a mess right now as you can see by JiaLi's pants but we were just thankful to get out and run and play in the fresh air!!!!! No pictures of Jenise today-she was lying on the couch during all this.