Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ice Cubes

With Edward now riding a two-wheeler, he is constantly falling and scraping his knees. Two days ago, he had a good fall first doing one knee and then falling on the other knee. It was one of those falls that you watch and feel the pain yourself. He is fine though, after he fell, he told me it hurt when he was standing but it was better when he was on the bike. I did give him an ice cube to rub on his knees. Of course, JiaLi wanted an ice cube too. Here is Edward showing his "boo-boos" and then JiaLi sucking an ice cube!! Talk about an easy way to cool off:) We've been enjoying some hot weather the last two days:) More pictures coming...

1 comment:

LaLa said...

Poor baby. Annslee's knees stay in bandaids!