Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Post Just to Post

The picture again--I can't help it, it's my new favorite. Last weekend on Saturday, Daddy let Mommy have time to work. With all the snow we've been having and with Easter right around the corner, I had to work on Spring things, and I couldn't wait to get this picture up:) Here's one of the things I accomplished. This is one of those plain wooden frames they sell in craft stores for $1. I am just in such a mood for some SPRING!! While I was working, the kids played outside while Daddy shoveled the driveway. They came in all excited because they had been having snowball fights and built forts. Now when I heard fort, I was picturing this creation with ways to maneuver,etc. I went to take a look and what they had done was built two mountains of snow and used the mountains to hide from the oncoming snowballs. I need to remember tomorrow to take a picture. We actually went out to a restaurant last weekend! I am usually boring and more into the ordering in if we are going to get something. This weekend, we went out. My son is rolling his eyes at me for taking pictures in a restaurant. Oh well:) As you can see, everyone was entertained by the crayons prior to our meal. Everyone that is except our oldest...he was willing though to help Joseph with a word search and to play tic tac toe with the others--I did get a picture but for some reason it's not letting me post. hmmmmm... This is a silly post but I had to post these three eating their meal. Jenise ordered ribs just because she likes them and same for Dan. But, Edward just loves his big brother so much and will copy most of what he does. Of course, he always says that he said it or did it before Danny but we just have to laugh. A final picture of JiaLi showing off her new ladybug hair clip. If I had been thinking about what day today is, I could have used this for "Wordless Wednesday". One of these weeks, I'll remember.


LaLa said...

I love the are so talented! Hey, pics in restaurants to embarrass your it!

That pic of JiaLi is awesome..hope you don't mind but I saved it in my pics and it will be on my fridge soon : )

mommy24treasures said...

oh I love your new favorite too!
Sweet sweet...
And YES that would have been such a perfect Wordless Wed! What a pretty pic! I love the restaurant pics, too funny...It does feel good to get out sometimes doesn't it?
Have fun getting ready for Spring Ms Crafty!;)

The Byrd's Nest said...

Yummmmm....I love ribs! The girls don't do well in restaurants so we order in if we do something like that too!

redmaryjanes said...

We don't eat out a lot either. It's expensive with a family of 6. It looks like you all had a great time. And that last photo is very sweet.

Stacie said...

Looks like everyone did well at the restaurant, you are so brave to take 5 kids out, we don't go with one sometimes if she hasn't napped. :)

Love the last photo of Jiali, it's so sweet.

missy said...

You are very creative! The picture frame is so cute. I love the picture in it, too. Come on Spring!!!

polkadot said...

the last picture is my favorite! email me at so I can send you a link to my new blog...

happy weekend to you and those cute kids.

Young Creations said...

I like the frame that you made. It is so fun to have some time to do some crafty things. The ribs look great also. My children love to order ribs when we go out.
Have a great weekend.

Mother of 2 Angels said...

WOW that frame and pic is GORGEOUS!!!! As is your whole family