Wednesday, December 19, 2007

You Asked for It...Well, One of You Did...

O.k. not the best picture but it's our tree:) Last year we went for the first time to cut down our tree and we had so much fun, we said we would make it a tradition. Well, we broke our tradition the first year out--too many things happening. Each year when we choose trees, we rotate kids. Last year Edward chose and this year it was JiaLi's turn. She chose the tree based on the sticky strip at the top. She found a lovely white strip with orange polka dots and said "I like that one." It really was fun to go through taking pictures of the ornaments--believe it or not, I did not take all the ornaments;) The kid were hilarious trying to find their own. The first two are pretty obvious but are ornaments from our first Christmas. Can't believe it!! The two below are very special to Joe and I. The Kneeling Santa, we received from my Memee a few years ago. She adored Christmas. She died one year ago and I love to have this to think of her. (we also have the book) The star ornament is actually an ornament that we have a few of on our tree. This ornament was made by Joe's Gram. She died in June of 2006. She was so handy with tasks like knitting, cross-stitch and when things got more difficult, she continued to make things like these ornaments and we just love them. I am very superstitious when it comes to buying kid things. I just don't like to buy things too prematurely. Even when I was pregnant, I was scared to buy anything. Yes, I had a baby shower. Yes I was nervous. No baby showers for the others except JiaLi and luckily it happened the day Joe got JiaLi. I unfortunately also was the same way about adoption ornaments. I did not want to buy anything related until our child was home. Even now with our current adoption, we have had varying things happen and varying opinions brought to us and I get nervous. People don't understand why we want more--we just can't help it!!! That being said, after Danny was born, I was thrilled to buy this mix of Sesame Street ornaments. We have lost some through the years but they are still a favorite:) The snowman ornament below is one we received from Joe's sister one year, I think we have 4(size of our family at the time.) She was concerned about money and made these out of light bulbs. We keep saying we would love for her to do this every year! Next are some Danny ornaments. He did not attend preschool so missed the experience of making ornaments galore:( Funny thing is, he is one of our most creative:) And now some ornaments by Miss Jenise... Some by Joseph... Here is Edward's first ornament from his Godmother. Some by Edward... Each year a new child is born into our group of friends good friends of ours who attend the Big E each year have one made for each child. Each ornament was made the year they were born(for the most part). JiaLi's was made after she was home--they usually go in September and we received our referral in September. And some ornaments from China. Sorry about the teapot. I just noticed how blurry it is--this is what happens when I have the kids try to find their ornaments;) Laura, Joe thinks I'm crazy for taking pictures of all these ornaments:) I told him I was doing it for you;)


mommy24treasures said...

oh thanks for doing it! Loved seeing your ornaments, your tree is filled with love.
I guess for me the only thing that would make it feel real is shopping. I was big into retail therapy for all 3 adoptions. I think its so so wonderful you are going forward in your plans to adopt from Vietnam. I would love to add to our family again. You and your husband and your children obviously have enough love to go around:) I only know you here in blogland but your family insires me so much. I love visiting you here and seeing the glimpses of love that you post. All families are different some big some small. just because the average everyday family has 2 kids a dog and a cat, doesn't mean we have to all follow suit... if our hearts are saying there is an empty place, then God has a chld out there that was meant to be a part of our family. I am so sorry that there are people in your life that do not understand that, we have them too, I am just begining to feel sorry for them and what they are missing out on.

LaLa said...

Tell Joe to "hush it!!!" You know I love all of them : ) Isn't it amazing how a Christmas tree becomes a story of our family? I love all the ornaments the kids made and that sweet JiaLi got to pick out the tree this year.

I MISS YOU so much!! I can't believe it had been almost a year since y'all were here!!!!

Livin' out loud said...

Its the ornaments that make the tree!!