Thursday, April 19, 2007

Outside Finally

Jenise and Mommy were jumproping and of course JiaLi wanted to join in. As you can see, she loved it. But then she fell on her face:( Nothing like a popsicle to make things better especially when it looks just like Jenise's:) So Daddy was in Indianapolis this week. Yes the place the Colts are from and he brought home small footballs for JiaLi, Joseph and Edward. The footballs are the kind that play music or say "TOUCHDOWN" when they hit the ground. Of course, the kids thought these were the greatest thing. We have had rainy weather all week--the kids vacation--we were so thankful today to see the SUN and just be outdoors!! The girls playing "Mom and baby".


Stacie said...

What a cool mom to be jumproping, I am too out of shape for that. HA

Kayce said...

SUN?? NO sun here for a few days! We've got LOTS of rain!! Love the popsicle pics!