Tuesday, April 24, 2007


For our regular Friday playgroup, we rotate houses and a few weeks ago, it was my turn. Edward receives that Backyard Magazine each month and in the most recent issue at the end was a project to make caterpillars. We used nylon type stockings(black) and filled them with potting soil and then topped off with grass seed(a good amount) and then kept them watered and within 5 days the grass was starting to grow. The kids were psyched! I wish the picture was better. I'm looking now and you can't distinguish the three caterpillars but there are three. Above you can see how much they did grow---I guess I should give the caterpillars a haircut. The picture with the boys was actually supposed to be a family picture but Jenise was not having a good day(had been in trouble and had very red eyes and really wasn't motivated with the picture--3rd grade-she is better now though). Anyway, I figure I've been posting a lot of the girls anyway so thought I would share JiaLi with her brothers:) I wish I could remember what they were yelling out. We were all cracking up!
I also had to slide in a picture of JiaLi with jewelry. This is to prove that JiaLi does enjoy girly things too--this is Jenise's old Princess game(the name of it has left me) and JiaLi likes to have all the jewelry on.

1 comment:

Patty said...

So Cute! I love seeing new pictures and reading updates about your family. They always seem like they are having so much fun!
Take care,