Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Block Party

Sunday turned out to be a beautiful weather day and the neighborhood block party happened in the late afternoon. This was our first year attending. The kids enjoyed themselves so much and we all met new friends. There was a moonwalk, potato sack races, water balloon toss, basketball, bikes, bubbles, chalk and lots of food. As you can see the ice cream was a favorite. JiaLi initially had her ice cream in a waffle bowl but then found a cone and decided to pour her melted ice cream into a cone. As you can see by Jenise, the messes don't always end with age! The potato sack races were hilarious! I cropped my kids so they may appear blurry. Joseph was the leader in his age group and as you can see he was very focused. JiaLi always loves a game of hide-+-seek, and I was able to catch the picture of Edward throwing the water balloon without being surrounded by others because he decided to take a step forward--hey, he's learning:) JiaLi found the lollipops too--there was healthy food there-believe it or not. Finally, a family brought some goldfish for the kids to take home(this was without informing others) and as you can see Edward was thrilled but when all the kids decided to get a fish---Daddy was not too happy although he is very cute helping to take care of the fish:) Danny's fish name is "Mystery"(because he's really not sure which one is his), Jenise's is "Snowgold"(she loves snow globes), Joseph's fish is "Annslee"(no fooling), Edward's fish is "Red Sox Boy" and JiaLi named her fish "Daddy". It was a fun day!!


LaLa said...

What a fun time!!! Glad the kids all had fun and Jenise enjoyed the ice cream : ) I am so honored that Joseph named his fish Annslee and I can't believe JiaLi picked Daddy over Dorothy for a name. Of course I REALLY can't believe someone brought fish without asking the parents first GRRRRR

insanemommy said...

Ah, Ice Cream. What a favorite! Yum-yum....

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