Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

Each year in the kids' schools the elementary schools do many Dr.Seuss activities in March. The Kindergarten classes always have a Wednesday that they call Wacky Wednesday. Today was Edward's class day to celebrate Wacky Wednesday. In the morning, we were trying to figure out how to dress to be wacky. I did take a picture of Joseph last year on his Wacky Wednesday day. He wore a striped shirt, had short pants, different colored socks and spiked hair. Edward kept saying "I want to dress like Joseph did." He was able to find a striped shirt which he wore inside out and backwards, jeans with holes that are just too short, different colored socks, and he even wore two different shoes. (Not sure how he tolerated that with one of the shoes being Joseph's but luckily he's only half day;) If you click you can see, however I did over correct to bring out the stripes so it will appear blotchy. Well, of course, JiaLi had to dress Wacky for Wacky Wednesday! She wore her shirt backward and wore two different socks and two different shoes--which lasted about a half hour.(she is usually barefoot) She thought it was the funniest thing and told everyone she saw today that it was Wacky Wednesday. If you click here, you can see Joseph last year. This is my fourth year preparing for a Wacky Wednesday and I have yet to read the book. Edward described the story as so funny and that "you have to read it Mommy." Next on our reading list... These two pictures are add-ons. Speaking of Wacky, I couldn't resist posting these. I took these yesterday--before we even knew that today would be Wacky Wednesday;) JiaLi found this Strawberry hat in the girls room. This hat was given to Jenise when she was a baby and it really does look adorable on babies. JiaLi just thinks this hat is the greatest thing. We had a very rainy day today and she wanted to wear "her" hat so she wouldn't get wet! Had to explain first that it does belong to Jenise and second, won't quite protect. I actually used this hat when Jenise was a baby for her first Halloween and dressed her up like a strawberry. It's funny how the hat can be adorable in two different ways:) I need to find the picture!!(it's taken with a 35 mm and it's in one of my boxes!)


mommy24treasures said...

what a fun Wednesday :)

LaLa said...

What fun!!! Which program did you use to just color the hat..Picassa doesn't do that does it??

LaLa said...

Hey...just got JiaLi's Easter card to Annslee and her handwriting is great. I had to laugh about her commenting that Annslee's name is too long LOL

Stacie said...

Wacky Wednesday looks like fun, love the strawberry hat pictures also. Got the St Pats card, thank you.