Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving day 2 years ago is the day JiaLi returned home. I will never forget that day. The kids were dropped off at Gramma's and Papa's house on Wednesday morning and I drove to the airport. My DH thought I was going to be at this airport waiting. Well, I was able to catch a seat on a plane to NJ where my husband's plane from China was landing. I couldn't wait to see him and finally meet JiaLi. I was watching and watching the flights to check the time for their landing. I finally saw that they had landed and lots of people were coming from the area. I was getting nervous thinking I would miss them and they would catch their flight back home without me. I was really hoping to totally surprise him but my nerves took over and I called him. He was in the process of going through customs--silly me, forgot about that part. He told me he had to get off the cell or he could get in trouble. I told him I was at the airport--he said great--then I explained I was at the NJ airport. Boy the look on his face when we met up:) JiaLi actually let me hold her for a short time:) but she wanted to be with Daddy. We landed back home around midnight and drove home. The next day we went to get the kids at Joe's sister who was holding Thanksgiving. Danny and Jenise were so excited to meet her. Jenise was the most excited. Another girl in the house--finally:) Joseph and Edward were just thrilled to have slept over Gramma's and Papa's and to play with their cousins. Although they were thrilled to have Daddy home. The top photos are when Danny and Jenise first met JiaLi. The pictures below are here and now. Ever since I was little I have always wanted children. When people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would give an answer like "nurse" or some career to make them happy but in the back of my mind I was picturing children. I remember as a child hearing about adoption for the first time and just not being able to believe that some children did not have a family. At that point, I always talked about adopting. I never thought this dream would come true. This Thanksgiving I am reminded how lucky I am for my family. I am so thankful for each and every one of them. Each adds that extra something to the family. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!! Did I mention we had our fingerprints done last Friday?


mommy24treasures said...

oh my what a sweet post! I love hearing your heart speak. How lovely. JiaLi and all your darlings are such blessings! What a blessed Momma you are this Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful wonderful long weekend with your family.

mommy24treasures said...

oh and your scrapbook pages are beautiful!

LaLa said...

What a wonderful memory : ) I remember Mark and Joe talking on the phone and Joe was still in tears over you showing up! Happy Thanksgiving : )

The Byrd's Nest said...

What wonderful pictures and beautiful children. How blessed we all are with the children God has given us!

Deb said...

What a beautiful post! Those moments that we first meet eyes with those loved ones will never be forgotten as long as we live! I get chills just thinking about it!

Lori said...

Thanks for the visit! Your children are adorable, love all the photos.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Mother of 2 Angels said...

I know I keep saying it but your family is just SOOOOOOOO beautiful!