Thursday, August 23, 2007

More Reunion

Well, I couldn't resist posting some more pictures from the reunion. My brother-in-law took some great pictures and I had to copy some to share on the blog. Everyone enjoyed chilling on their boat. I apologize how bright JiaLi is driving the boat but it was the only way we could adjust the photo so that she would show and she was so proud, I had to share. Jenise is seen relaxing with Pepee and the little one that Joseph and Jenise are holding is my sister's little one. As you can see, JiaLi decided to chill on the boat too.


LaLa said...

Great pics..thanks for giving us more. All the kids look so great and with MISS all of you!!! Waiting until next April is way too long!!

mommy24treasures said...

I love the fishing and the sleeping pic best :)

Anonymous said...

sleeping pic made my morning. what a cutester.