Tuesday, September 02, 2008

A Big Day

Today is a big day for our little girl. JiaLi will be starting preschool. I am both happy and sad. I hate that she is going but I am so happy for her to go. (Did that make sense?) She was hilarious last night at bedtime. She called me back in the room three times telling me that she had to tell me something. The final one was "are the other kids going to be there without their Mommy and Daddy too?" We had a day last week to visit the school with Mommy and she loved it. We'll see. BTW, this photo was taken by my brother-in-law at our August family reunion:)


Stacie said...
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Stacie said...

Lauren starts preschool this morning also, she goes 2 mornings a week. I hope Jiali has a great first day :)

The Byrd's Nest said...

Oh...so hard to drop them off at school. I know she will love it!

LaLa said...

I hope she had a wonderful first day!!

mommy24treasures said...

oh I hope she had a good day!!!!!!!

redmaryjanes said...

She is absolutely adorable. I hope that she is enjoying school and is making lots of new friends.

Kim, Jeff, Emily and Benjamin said...

Hooray for JiaLi. I bet she loved it. And of course we'll be looking for some first day of school photos soon (hint, hint)!!

Amie said...

What a sweet pic!! Your family is just darling.:)

Happy Preschool!


mommy24treasures said...

I hope Jia Li enjoyed school when you have a tiny spare moment tell us how she is doing please:)