Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Don't forget Click on the photos for the big picture -for some of the photos it is worth it! We had such a FUN New Year's Eve weekend. We had a nice relaxing day in the park followed by a visit to the Children's Museum which had something for everyone. The kids even had a snow fight, (some of the adults joined in the fun). Now the Wares will have to come North for a real snowball fight;) We took a break in the day and that night headed out to some of the local sites. The kids were able to try a rock climbing wall, the Madden big kid dad got into the game as well and climbed the wall. Everyone had a grand ole time in TN that night. The park was particularly fun, it is a wonder we were able to get the kids to all sit down for this picture. Everyone wanted to be up and running around. The park was relaxing, open and a great choice especially when the temp was a balmy 65 degrees. Big change from the cold north :-( The Snow melee begins, Mark was one of the ring leaders, we had to stop Mark from starting the snow fight all over again... I for one agree that you can never grow too old, (yes I threw my share of snow but you can't prove it, there is no photographic evidence). Joseph and his little sister Annslee but Annslee was swept away by the Big Brother Daniel. She enjoyed the kids and it was great to be there with Annslee, Mark and Laura too :-) The Game day was a grand day indeed. What could be better than being with friends and watching the PATS play the TITANS. Even the deluge could not dampen the kids spirit. They had a ball and talked about the trip the whole ride home, or at least until they fell a sleep. The Fireworks were a whole lot of fun New Years Eve after the game. Mark and Joe used their considerable firework Knowledge ;-) to bring home the bottle rockets and sparklers... We are still not sure who had more fun the dads or the kids. Fireworks are illegal up here in Massachusetts so it was a true treat for the kids to be able to have fun with the fireworks New Years Eve!!!! JiaLi looking strangely at dad and just wanting to have a Sparkler of her own... What a FANTASTIC New Years Weekend!!!!! It was great to be with friends and family to see the local sites and reconnect. Thanks Mark, Laura and Annslee for opening your home and taking care of the Madden Clan this New Years!!! We can't wait to return the favor in September with your new addition Malia!!! FOR MORE PICTURES VISIT OUR FRIEND ANNSLEE'S BLOG, (link to the left).

1 comment:

LaLa said...

We had such a great time with y'all (that was for you Joe) and I just wish you could have stayed longer. Next time we will go downtown and drag you through the Country Music Hall of Fame and to the Parthenon LOL See you soon I hope. Love to all!